Nick Halishluw Honored in Pwo Ceremony

Nick Halishluw was honored as a Master Navigator at a Pwo Ceremony at the Diangel era Idederaech – PCC in July 9-12, 2019 together with Grand Master Navigator Sesario Sewralur. Others present at the ceremony under Grand Master Navigaor Ali Ali Haleyalur include Grand Master Navigator Peia Patai and Master Navigator Frank Pedro, Kurt Ngiraked, Keahi Omai and Wayne Adelbai. […]

Camp Ebiil Starts July 14th

Following the fun-packed Ebiil Summer camp on June 16-23, and then the Turtle Monitoring Camp on July 4-6, Ebiil Society is excited to announce that there will a second summer camp starting on July 14 until July 21. Sign up by calling 855-2676 or email to You can also download the application form, brochure or code of conduct here. […]

Palau Sustainble Fisheries