Community-wide Generous Donations for Ebiil Summer Camps

Ebiil Summer Camps have for many years brought the Ngarchelong Community together to teach traditional customs and environmental knowledge and skills to youth. This year, there was $11,289.00 in sponsorship provided to Ebiil Society, namely from:   SAMS TOUR  $                    5,000.00 BLUE BAY PETROLEUM  $                    2,000.00 SURANGEL & SONS  $                    1,000.00 WCTC  $                        600.00 BELAU MEDICAL ASSOCIATION  $                        500.00 BRYAN […]

Congratulations Elchung!

Congratulations Elchung Hideos, Ebiil Society’s Youth/Community Education Program Coordinator, who has been awarded a scholarship for Masters Program in Environmental Studies at Sophia University through Micronesia Conservation Trust (MCT) and The Association for Promotion of International Cooperation (APIC) in Japan. Good luck and we are looking forward to your return!

Highlights from Camp Ebiil 2 – July 14-21

The second Ebiil Society Summer Camp, from July 14-21 included great activities for boys and girls including fishing, art, taro patch, tree planting and discovering cultural/historical sites from other states in Palau. Some of the visits included the Metuk ra Bisech in Airai, World War II Museum in Peleliu, Bai Melekeong in Melekeok, Ngodel ra Ngiwal and Badrulchau in Ngarchelong. […]

Ebiil SCUBA Diving Camp

On Sunday, August 4th, Ebiil Camp Counselors and Ngarchelong State Rangers were certified as PADI Open Water SCUBA Instructors at Sam’s Tours Dive Shop. Ebiil Society would like to thank Sam’s Tours for their time and commitment to train diving skills and safety for the participants, including Ebiil Counselors Iseko Williander, Oreall Kloulechad, Keilana Kloulchad and Macey Nagata. They are […]

Mechikung Oregon State University

Students from Oregon State University + PCC-PAIR students recently took part in an International Summer Camp during the last week of July 2019. Their studies and activities included fishing, tree planting, studying sea cucumber population density, and so much more. We’ll miss you and please come back again next year.

Anthropology Major Completes Internship

Ebiil Society Board Members and Staff would like to thank Ksid Kloulechad for her hard work and talents used for her 2019 Internship. An Anthropology Major at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada, Ksid was active in recording and coordinating Summer Camp activities and setting up guidelines for Archaeology Studies. Ksid will return to the University of Victoria […]

Palau Sustainble Fisheries