Critical Marine Habitat Mapping

In August, Ebiil Society held a participatory mapping exercise with Palauan fishermen, dive masters, and tour operators. Thank you for making the time to come and teach about the critical marine habitats in Palau. For more information, please contact Ebiil Society.

Education through Outdoor Classrooms

In March, Palau closed incoming flights and we were suddenly separate from the outside world. COVID-19 is still unknown to Palau yet we observe it through media and understand how so many countries stood still as the pandemic grew. With much time on our hands, it is a good opportunity to heal environmental damage and initiate education. These are some […]

A Good Opportunity to Heal Palau

In March, Palau closed incoming flights and we were suddenly separate from the outside world. COVID-19 is still unknown to Palau yet we observe it through media and understand how so many countries stood still as the pandemic grew. With much time on our hands, it is a good opportunity to heal environmental damage and initiate education. These are some […]

Palau Sustainble Fisheries