Clam Farm Project

A recent joint partnership with Bureau of Marine Resouces and Ebiil Society created a project to start up clam farms in Palau. In Ngarchelong, four women joined this pilot project: Four women from Ngarchelong have joined this pilot project: 1. Lorna Ramarii and Adara Temong from Ollei 2. Marion Kual and Heather Ngirtregd (clam farm in Oketol) The project is […]

Earth Day 2020: Community Solutions to Protect our Nest of Life!

In celebration of Earth Week in Palau, Presidential Proclamation #20-280 designated Palau Earth Week to be April 17-23, 2020. This year’s theme is “Community Solutions to Protect our Nest of Life!”, which is translated from the Palauan meaning, “Rechad era beluu el tmak el mesebechakl era lukel a klengar rekid!” Launching Ebiil Earth Week Activities was the Ebiil Radio Talk […]

Burning Ban In Effect

Following 62 fire incidents which were recorded between January and March 2020, a Burning Ban is now in effect. Fire Department and PAN Officers are on patrol 24-hours to ensure no fires continue in the current dry conditions. Please report any fires immediately to the Fire Department. The largest fire this year, 180 acres in size, crossed the borders of […]

Please Help Prevent Wildfires

Following a devastating wildfire in Babeldaob which charred an estimated 5-mile ridge from Aimeliik to Ngatpang, there were more wildfire incidents at Koksai. So far, five forest fires along Koksai, three in Melekeok, one before Ngchesar entry, three in Ngaraard, two in Ngardmau, and the biggest one in Ngatpang and Aimeliik. Most of these wildfires occurred within one week. We […]

2020 Ebiil Summer Camps Dates Set

Once again, Ebiil Society is preparing Camp Ebiil for fun, educational and memorable camps.  These begin with Camp Ebiil from June 14 – 21, which is followed a second Camp Ebiil on July 5-12. Please see the Camp Ebiil Application to register early. For a history of Camp Ebiil and Final Reports, please click here. If you are interested in […]

Ebiil Society Executive Director Receives 2020 Tommy E. Remengesau, Jr. Environmental Award

Koror, Palau: January 16, 2020 – Ann Singeo, Executive Director of Ebiil Society, was presented the 2020 Tommy E. Remengesau, Jr. Environmental Award by the Palau International Coral Reef Center (PICRC) during the Center’s 19th Anniversary Dinner Gala. Presented every other year of the Center’s annual fundraising event, this Environmental Award recognizes an individual who has been able to make significant […]

Successful Women’s Fisheries Conference

Women’s Fishery Conference   As sea cucumbers are an easily collected coastal resource mainly for women, on Saturday, October 26th the Ebiil Society held a Women’s Fishery Conference in order to introduce multi-state dialogue about the sustainable control of this valuable coastal resource. Joining Ebiil Society Board Members and Staff were women representatives from various state communities which harvest sea […]

Womens Fisheries Forum October 26th

On October 26th, a Forum for Womens Fisheries will involve various communities in Palau to begin conversations around womens fisheries, the status and collaborative solutions that can drive development support. Following this initial forum, a series of similar dialogue to further discussions in small communities, and in exchange with decision makers and resource managers. This project is a collaborative effort […]

Palau Sustainble Fisheries