Nick Halishluw Honored in Pwo Ceremony
Nick Halishluw was honored as a Master Navigator at a Pwo Ceremony at the Diangel era Idederaech – PCC in July 9-12, 2019 together with Grand Master Navigator Sesario Sewralur. Others present at the ceremony under Grand Master Navigaor Ali Ali Haleyalur include Grand Master Navigator Peia Patai and Master Navigator Frank Pedro, Kurt Ngiraked, Keahi Omai and Wayne Adelbai.
Nick shown below, fourth from left.
Ebiil Society staff and volunteers joined the ceremony to congratulate Nick for his accomplishment.
Sewralur and Halshluw together carved Ebiil Society’s kaeb, or traditional sailing canoe earlier this year. Their dedication to canoe racing and traditional navigation has continued though sailing and navigation training during this year’s summer camps.